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Watermelon Ice Lolly

mila's meals watermelon ice lolly recipe

Watermelon Ice Lolly Recipe

In summer, Mila’s afternoon juice is freshly juiced watermelon. But I never have enough fridge space to store a large watermelon and it tends to go off before we can juice it all. Solution? Make watermelon ice lollies!


Watermelon Ice Lollies are refreshing and re-hydrating with loads of Vitamin C – perfect after along day on the beach, after exercise or to offer to your little one if she/he has a fever.

Mila's Meals Watermelon Ice Lolly

The ice lolly pictured (above) in the background is watermelon juice without the rind. The one in the foreground is made with the rind and a slice of beetroot.

Key: gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, grain-free, nut-free, egg-free, paleo, vegan, great for adults too

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 4 hours / overnight


(t. = teaspoon; T. = tablespoon, C. = cup)


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  • Watermelon, seeds and rind included!





  1. Place chunks of watermelon in your blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture through a sieve to remove the “bits”.
  3. Pour into ice lolly molds and place them in the freezer until set.


Make it a Superfood Lolly!


By adding some Camu Camu Powder and Baobab powder, you can significantly increase the vitamin C content. I tend to add a tablespoon of each.

Alternatively, add 2 tablespoons of this Berry C superfood mix from Soaring Free Superfoods

soaring free superfoods berry c

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mila's meals watermelon ice lolly recipe

Watermelon Ice Lolly

AvatarCatherine Barnhoorn
Watermelon Ice Lollies are refreshing and re-hydrating with loads of Vitamin C – perfect after along day on the beach, after exercise or to offer to your little one if she/he has a fever.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Course Snack


  • Ice Lolly Moulds
  • Blender


  • 1/2 Watermelon seeds and rind included!
  • 2 tbsp Berry C Superfood Mix, or Camu Camu Powder from Soaring Free Superfoods


  • Place chunks of watermelon and superfood powders in your blender and blend until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture through a sieve to remove the “bits”.
  • Pour into ice lolly moulds and place them in the freezer until set.
Keyword dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, superfood, vegan, vegetarian

PS. Soaring Free Superfoods are gifting my tribe with a 25% discount code… forever!

Get 25% off all purchases (including your first purchase, and whenever you want to shop again).

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Mila's Meals Watermelon Ice Lollies

Yes, you can eat the seeds and rind of the watermelon (be sure to wash the watermelon thoroughly before you cut it though).


As I write in the 156-Ingredient Glossary of my book:

[blockquote text=”“The watermelon seeds contain magnesium, iron, zinc, protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and fibre while the rind is a good source of chlorophyll.”” show_quote_icon=”yes” line_height=”25″]

According to Dr. Mercola,

[blockquote text=”“the rind contains plenty of health-promoting and blood-building chlorophyll, and more of the amino acid citrulline than the pink flesh. Citrulline is converted to arginine in your kidneys, and not only is this amino acid important for heart health and maintaining your immune system, but it has been researched to have potential therapeutic value in over 100 health conditions.”” show_quote_icon=”yes” line_height=”25″]
Watermelon Nutrition


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