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Why grass-fed gelatine is one of my pantry staples

great lakes beef gelatin

A is flavourless, translucent substance derived from the processing of animal connective tissue and bones to extract collagen, an insoluble fibrous protein

Gelatin dissolves in hot liquids and becomes more solid as it cools. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in gummy sweets, marshmallows, desserts, ice cream, dips and some yogurts.

What is Gelatine?

(also spelt “gelatin” in some countries)

Gelatine powder is a is flavourless, translucent substance derived from the processing of animal connective tissue and bones to extract collagen, an insoluble fibrous protein. Once extracted and powdered, gelatin dissolves in hot liquids and becomes more solid as it cools. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in gummy sweets, marshmallows, desserts, ice cream, dips and some yogurts.


It is medicinal (in a food is medicine kinda way)!

Gelatine contains easy-to-digest (bio-available) calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, amino acids and trace minerals.

Gelatine used to be a big part of healthy traditional diets when people regularly consumed bone broths as well as the fibrous tissues and organs of animals.

While I am a big fan of drinking bone broth (and I really encourage you to give it a try), your kids (like mine) may not be so keen on it.


Be a #clevermama!

Another way to get the healing benefits of gelatine into your kids’ diet is to use this gelatin powder to make marshmallows, gummy sweets or in homemade jelly.

If you’re on this website, you’re obviously the kind of mom that reads ingredient labels before purchasing a food product. So here we go…

Most NB: it is Glyphosate-free!

great lakes gelatine back label

This is a #clevermama ingredient because...

mila's meals cookbook

Highlighting the health benefits and nutrient content of this ingredient / pantry staple so that you will add it to your #clevermama toolbox. What is a #clevermama?
Information taken from my book 'Mila's Meals: The Beginning & The Basics'.

Gelatin is a:


  • Protein is essential for growth and development
  • Protein plays an integral part in nearly all the body’s processes
  • Protein is responsible for the manufacture of hormones, enzymes antibodies (infection-fighters), and muscle tissue
  • Protein is BRAIN FOOD!
  • Protein keeps you fuller, for longer.


  • Collagen can help support the intestinal wall, including building the protective mucus lining in your intestines.

  • Gelatin also contains glutamic acid, another amino acid that can help protect the intestinal wall from damage and prevent leaky gut.

great lakes grass-fed beef gelatin


Jelly, gummy sweets, marshmallows – the things that make sugar-free moms break out into a cold sweat! Homemade versions – using this gelatine – turns them into wholesome foods you can give your kids for breakfast!


Being comfortable in the kitchen and knowing how to prepare wholesome food is a lifeskill! Get your kids in the kitchen by making fun foods like jelly, gummies and marshmallows.

Add gelatin to your #clevermama toolbox (aka grocery shopping list)

Not all gelatin is created equal!

It is important to note, however, that not all gelatine is created equal (as with most foods!).

Where possible buy organic gelatine from grass fed animals.

I say where possible, because I have been unable to find a locally produced one here in South Africa.

The gelatine brands I have found all contain the preservative Sulphur Dioxide and I fear they come from conventionally raised animals who are fed GMO corn, in feedlots under terrible conditions.

Great Lakes Gelatin is now available in South Africa from Faithful To Nature.

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