On the surface
Mila’s Meals is a cookbook, blog & health coaching services
It is about food intolerances, how to cater to them and how to raise a child with them.
Mila’s Meals is gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free.
(It is also organic, non-GMO and free from preservatives, artificial colourants, artificial flavourants and any other chemicals and toxins the food industry is passing off as food.)
At it's heart
Mila’s Meals is a way of life
It is about choosing to prepare your family’s food from fresh, locally sourced ingredients.
It is about choosing to use food as medicine, not only as fuel.
It is about whole-person health and choosing to nourish your child’s growing body, not just to fill their tummy.
It is about having a plate full (or a handful) of nutrient-dense foods
and a day full of soul foods
(love, spirituality, movement and play).
It is about traditional foods
(ferments and bone broths),
traditional ways
(barefoot in the soil and bare skin in the sunshine),
traditional medicine
(herbs, tinctures and essential oils)
– all while living in the modern world with its stresses, busyness and working parents
(and its superfoods, blenders and dehydrators!)
It is about digestion and absorption,
the immune system,
the gut and the awesome bacteria we want to live there!
Mila’s Meals is about the little ones & their future.
It is about us as parents doing our very best to ensure optimal growth and vibrant health – and perhaps even healing ourselves in the process!
Our children will be our greatest teachers if we listen to them!
It is about unlearning what the pharmaceutical, agricultural and food industry have led us to believe.
It is about becoming a food detective.
It’s about creating new “normal”.
It is about delicious and nutritious whole foods and a delicious and nutritious whole life.
Mila’s Meals is a call to action for every parent.
For you to be conscious of what you are feeding your little ones, and to provide a guideline on how to go about this as effectively, effortlessly and joyfully as possible.
It is about seeing food intolerances as a blessing which will lead you down a path of learning, discovery and vibrant health.
But really, Mila’s Meals is a journal of my journey through motherhood.
Thank you for joining me,

Catherine weaves these principles into her masterfully created book. This very informative book is crucial to give our children a healthy start to life.
May it reach far and wide!
This book introduces important and comprehensible ‘whys’ of applying food as your medicine, while at the same time, offering truly sumptuous and easy-to-follow recipes to give our little genetic investments vibrant health and a greater connection to nature, of which we are all an integral part.
Toward healing, awareness and peace! Thank you Catherine.”