Catherine Barnhoorn

Catherine Barnhoorn is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, author of the multiple award-winning nutrition and cookbook 'Mila's Meals The Beginning & The Basics', founder of Mila's Meals and - most importantly - Mama to Mila. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Catherine teaches moms how to use food as medicine. Both the food on your plate as well as 5 key Primary Foods of Movement, Life Purpose, Spirituality, Relationships & Environment.
custard poured over sliced banana

Dairy-Free Custard Recipe

This post contains affiliate links. Click here to read my affiliate policy. This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, grain-free and nut-free. THIS IS A #CLEVERMAMA RECIPE! Reasons to add this to your nourishment toolbox: Only 5 ingredients Quick & Easy to make Can be served for breakfast! Nutrient-dense, brain food (see details below recipe) Its

Dairy-Free Custard Recipe READ MORE »

Catherine Barnhoorn IIN Health Coach

Do you want to become a health coach?

Do you want to become a health coach? I have been asked by many people about my experience of studying Health Coaching through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). Here is the long and short of it… I simply cannot recommend IIN highly enough! For me, it was nothing short of revolutionary, life changing – and most importantly, life affirming.

Do you want to become a health coach? READ MORE »

COVIS-19 God's Way

Integrative Nutrition in Action – Community-based Interventions for COVID-19

As a member of the South African Society of Integrative Medicine I was invited to participate in a project to bring Health & Wellness to South Africa’s low-income communities.   This initiative was spearheaded by Dr. Stephanie Thomas who wanted to put together a strategy she could share with Faith Leaders on practical steps they

Integrative Nutrition in Action – Community-based Interventions for COVID-19 READ MORE »

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