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dairy-free easter egg bunnies

How to have a DELICIOUS food-intolerance-friendly, dairy-free Easter

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Food-Intolerance-Friendly Food is MORE joyful than the alternative! Easter is another one of those days (like birthdays and Christmas) that make ‘free-from’ moms break out into a cold sweat! You don’t want to deny your child the pleasure of an Easter egg hunt or having delicious hot cross buns for breakfast. […]

How to have a DELICIOUS food-intolerance-friendly, dairy-free Easter READ MORE »

Top 9 Nutrients for Immunity - Mila's Meals

Top 9 nutrients for immunity and where to find them

9 Nutrients to support your immune system, and where to find them. Food is Medicine Food really is medicine, and there are specific nutrients that are particularly valuable in supporting our immune systems. The following are what I believe to be the top immune supporting nutrients based on current research. Zinc Quercetin Vitamin C Glutathione

Top 9 nutrients for immunity and where to find them READ MORE »

Catherine Barnhoorn Mila's Meals interview on Cape Talk Radio

Cape Talk Radio Interview – How & Why to feed kids gluten-free and sugar-free food

Catherine Barnhoorn (Mila’s Meals) talks to Sarah-Jayne King on Late Nights – Cape Talk Radio. In conversation about being gluten-free and sugar-free and how to raise children on a “free-from” diet. That is sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Topics covered: Autoimmunity Candida Eczema Endometriosis Colic Emotional rollercoaster Sleep Anger Food intolerances Junk Food

Cape Talk Radio Interview – How & Why to feed kids gluten-free and sugar-free food READ MORE »

Catherine Barnhoorn IIN Health Coach

Do you want to become a health coach?

Do you want to become a health coach? I have been asked by many people about my experience of studying Health Coaching through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). Here is the long and short of it… I simply cannot recommend IIN highly enough! For me, it was nothing short of revolutionary, life changing – and most importantly, life affirming.

Do you want to become a health coach? READ MORE »

Mila's Meals Nutrient Enhancers

Nutrient Enhancers: my kind of food additives!

This is an excerpt from my book ‘Mila’s Meals: The Beginning & The Basics’   I’m talking about egg yolk, ghee, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, olive oil, sauerkraut liquid, kefir, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, allspice, turmeric, broth, dulse, liver, blackstrap molasses, baobab, cacao, hemp, lucuma, maca, moringa.   It is

Nutrient Enhancers: my kind of food additives! READ MORE »

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