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Integrative Nutrition in Action – Community-based Interventions for COVID-19

COVIS-19 God's Way

As a member of the South African Society of Integrative Medicine I was invited to participate in a project to bring Health & Wellness to South Africa’s low-income communities.


This initiative was spearheaded by Dr. Stephanie Thomas who wanted to put together a strategy she could share with Faith Leaders on practical steps they could take to build resilience and health in low-income communities as they face COVID-19 in desperate conditions.


I offered to contribute – as I was in awe of how perfect Integrative Nutrition would be in this situation. I introduced her to the concept of Primary Food (a concept taught by The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and used by Integrative Nutrition health coaches) and also contributed Secondary Food suggestions.


And this is the result (something I am enormously proud of)….[/vc_column_text]

COVID-19 God’s Way


This is a collaborative document developed by Integrative practitioners to support Faith leaders. It contains practical advice and ideas to build community whilst providing specific support for those infected at different stages of Covid-19. Written for the African environment, there is much also for a Global audience.


COVIS-19 God's Way
[blockquote text=”“The leaders have organised themselves into LEANS (Local Ecumenical Action Networks) and are using the document to support activities within their local communities. It has sparked great enthusiasm, and the feedback I am getting is that LEANS are now supporting the development of Community gardens, they are incorporating supplements and seeds into food parcels and many other exciting stories!” – Dr. Thomas” title_tag=”h2″ show_quote_icon=”yes” width=”90″]



“God’s Health system has largely been forgotten as our society places so much emphasis on the Government Health system.


In this unique crisis, where we want to spare the Government Health system from overwhelm, we have an opportunity to remember, return to, and restore the practices and principles of God’s Ancient Health system.


From Plants and Food, to Breathing, praying and Community food projects, we can take this magnificent mandate and bring LIFE ABUNDANT into our Bodies, immune systems, families and communities.”



Chapter 1

  • God’s Health System


Chapter 2

  • Getting Practical: What Leaders Should Know and Teach


Chapter 3

  • Pre-Infection: Laying Good Foundations
  • Understanding Infections
  • Understanding and Strengthening Our Immune Systems
  • Spiritual Practices Which Build Health and Strengthen Immunity


Chapter 4

  • Immune Strengthening Foods and Nutritional Supplements
  • Specific Nutrients and What They Do In Covid 19
  • Guidance from Some South African Societies


Chapter 5

  • African Superfoods
  • Africas Secret Weapons


Chapter 6

Secondary Foods

  • Top Picks for Disaster Relief And Community Building
  • Bone Broth
  • Sauerkraut
  • Sprouts & Microgreens


Chapter 7

What To Do If Someone In Your Community Is Infected With Covid19


Chapter 8

Some Common Questions


Chapter 9

Summary Of Interventions / Approaches For Church Leaders

Covid 19 - God's Way Contents



This document was written and collated by Dr. Stephanie Thomas, supporting a National Faith and KZN Response to COVID-19, with guidance from multiple health practitioners, and sectional contributions by Sanet Joubert, Catherine Barnhoorn, Heidi N du Preez, Dr. Tracey Joelson, Hillary Jane Solomon and Seneca Schurborn.


The theological underpinning of this document does not carry the specific endorsement of any particular church or denomination and is purely the conviction and biblical understanding of the Author.


All the health information contained in the document are referenced, peer reviewed and are accurate at the time of writing. The health information should be used in conjunction with the advice of your medical practitioner. Please send any request for references or any queries to Dr. Stephanie Thomas.


The knowledge and science around COVID-19 is developing daily, so it remains the responsibility of the readers of this document to confirm and update themselves on any changes which may take place.


The principles of Health and Healing in God’s Kingdom, however, remain steady, unchangeable and unshakeable.

COVID-19 God's Way Chapt 3
COVID-19 God's Way Chapt 4
COVID-19 God's Way Chapt 5
COVID-19 God's Way Chapt 6

Please share this with anyone you feel may benefit from it.



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