My year studying with The Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN) was one of huge personal transformation – in my health, my relationships, my parenting and of course… my career.
This is my story of how I came to IIN, my experience of IIN and what has happened since I graduated. I am sharing the stage with Rebecca – IIN’s global admissions representative. She shares more on IIN and the health coaching program.
(While watching… bare in mind I was fighting back tears through most of this talk! I haven’t shared ALL of my story in front of a room full of people before. It was an emotional morning… but cathartic. Thank you to everyone in the room who held me in love and kindness.)
What is your story? How will you share it with the world?
Are you interested in becoming a Health Coach? You can download the curriculum and more info here.
Or read about my experience in this blog post.
Have questions? Please send me an email.