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gluten-free boerewors rolls

Boerewors Rolls Recipe

Otherwise known as a barbecue in the rest of the world, the braai is a meal that celebrates meat, salads and sunshine – and is usually an easy sell for picky eaters. Unless they are gluten-free of course! Then the thought of a braai with it’s boerewors rolls (hot dogs) and braai-broodjies (toasted cheese sandwiches) induces one of those ‘cold-sweat’ moments.

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dairy-free easter egg bunnies

How to have a DELICIOUS food-intolerance-friendly, dairy-free Easter

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Food-Intolerance-Friendly Food is MORE joyful than the alternative! Easter is another one of those days (like birthdays and Christmas) that make ‘free-from’ moms break out into a cold sweat! You don’t want to deny your child the pleasure of an Easter egg hunt or having delicious hot cross buns for breakfast.

How to have a DELICIOUS food-intolerance-friendly, dairy-free Easter READ MORE »

The Mila’s Meals Manifesto

On the surface Mila’s Meals is a cookbook, blog & health coaching services It is about food intolerances, how to cater to them and how to raise a child with them. Mila’s Meals is gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free. (It is also organic, non-GMO and free from preservatives, artificial colourants, artificial flavourants and any other chemicals

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A review of Mila’s Meals by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite “Food is a basic essential of life. But when food becomes toxic to the body, then it is time to re-evaluate what is in the food. Even so-called fresh produce can be laced with pesticides and GMOs, which can be, and is, terribly toxic to a lot of

A review of Mila’s Meals by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite READ MORE »

Great Lakes Gelatin

Why grass-fed gelatine is one of my pantry staples

WHAT IS GELATIN? A is flavourless, translucent substance derived from the processing of animal connective tissue and bones to extract collagen, an insoluble fibrous protein Gelatin dissolves in hot liquids and becomes more solid as it cools. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in gummy sweets, marshmallows, desserts, ice cream, dips and some

Why grass-fed gelatine is one of my pantry staples READ MORE »

real plans meal planning app

Meal Planning made Simple! (Even Enjoyable!)

  Meal Planning made Simple! (Even Enjoyable!)   Because eating real food should be convenient.   Whether you’re stuck in a rut for inspiration, in a tail-spin about learning how to be gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free, or just can’t find the time to cook, this is a game-changer.   REAL ‘FREE-FROM’ FOOD in REAL PLANS

Meal Planning made Simple! (Even Enjoyable!) READ MORE »

Top 9 Nutrients for Immunity - Mila's Meals

Top 9 nutrients for immunity and where to find them

9 Nutrients to support your immune system, and where to find them. Food is Medicine Food really is medicine, and there are specific nutrients that are particularly valuable in supporting our immune systems. The following are what I believe to be the top immune supporting nutrients based on current research. Zinc Quercetin Vitamin C Glutathione

Top 9 nutrients for immunity and where to find them READ MORE »

Catherine Barnhoorn Mila's Meals interview on Cape Talk Radio

Cape Talk Radio Interview – How & Why to feed kids gluten-free and sugar-free food

Catherine Barnhoorn (Mila’s Meals) talks to Sarah-Jayne King on Late Nights – Cape Talk Radio. In conversation about being gluten-free and sugar-free and how to raise children on a “free-from” diet. That is sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Topics covered: Autoimmunity Candida Eczema Endometriosis Colic Emotional rollercoaster Sleep Anger Food intolerances Junk Food

Cape Talk Radio Interview – How & Why to feed kids gluten-free and sugar-free food READ MORE »

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